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Terms of Use - index

By using the Happy Angler online store and its certain components, the customer commits to the following terms and conditions. While Happy Angler is being a trading name, the legal entity is Rusta Finland Oy, that belongs to the Swedish Rusta Group.

•Terms of Use
These terms apply to the entire online service.

• Terms of Purchase
When buying products the customer commits to these terms of purchase. These terms also apply to the Happy Angler Club.

• Technology and security
Information about security, payment, cookies etc.

• GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
How do we protect personal data?

The contents of this website are a localized translation of a Finnish website.
The translation is provided by the Finnish translation agency Apropos lingua Ltd. In case of any ambiguity or unclarity, please contact our customer service at

Technology, Security and Data Protection

All information that is processed at the Happy Angler online store is protected by a firewall that complies with general standards. This means that no outsider has access to the data in the online store or in the other systems the store is connected to.

Personal and Payment Information

All personal and payment information is processed using an encrypted SSL connection. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it protects online data communication.
Payment information (such as identity number and information related online banking or credit cards) is handled using protected and secure connections. Happy Angler does not save the customer's identity number or credit card details or other such payment information.


Happy Angler makes use of cookies. A cookie is a small text file that allows Happy Angler to collect data on how and when the website is used. A cookie may store such information as when and and what pages a visitor browsed, what browser he/she used, and from where the visitor arrived at Happy Angler. The information received via cookies is by its nature anonymous, but it is also possible to link the cookie information to a registered customer's personal information.
The purpose of the use of cookies is to analyze and develop Happy Angler to better serve its customers. The data from cookies also helps in tracking visitor statistics and measuring the efficiency of various Happy Angler features. Cookie information can also be used to produce customer-specific advertising.

The customers have the option to disable cookies from their browser settings, but this can have adverse effects on the usability of the website or even prevent its use altogether.
JavaScript is a scripting language that is used to display various content on the web.
Several features of Happy Angler require JavaScript to work. The way these features are put together means they cannot be used if the customer's browser has JavaScript disabled. For example, you cannot add a product to the shopping cart without enabling JavaScript.


1.    Controller

Rusta Finland Oy (business ID: 0750 66-6)
Porttipuistontie 1    
FI-01200 VANTAA, Finland
Telephone: +358 (0)75 3255 750
Call charge €0.088/min, incl. VAT

2.    Contact person for matters related to data security

Rusta Finland Oy
Telephone: +358 (0)75 325 5000

3.    Name of the file

The customer register of Rusta Finland Oy (hereinafter “Happy Angler”)

4.    Purpose of processing and legal basis of processing

Personal data is processed under article 6(1)(a–c) and (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU in situations related to customership, agreements, consent or other relevant contexts. The most typical of these situations consist of the membership of the Happy Angler Club and its operation, different stages of making purchases in-store or online, providing feedback or other communication or business with Happy Angler.

The data is processed for the purposes of maintenance, management, analyses, and development of the relationships mentioned above, the creation and maintenance of classifications and rules regarding data subject groups, the planning and development of the business operations of the controller and other companies belonging to the same group, and for customer communication and marketing.

The register is used to store data according to the data content section of the register for the purchase behavior of the users of services that require registration and other information related to the use of the services provided by Happy Angler. The data regarding purchases, usage, and access are used to analyze and classify the activities of data subject groups and to develop, modify, and target the benefits, offers, and customership content offered to data subjects to increase their attractiveness to the data subjects. The careful customization of services and communication based on the analyses of customer data is an essential part of the Happy Angler customership and the improvement of customer experience. Happy Angler does not perform other automated decisions within the meaning of article 22 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU except the verification of credit card information related to online purchases by a payment service provider, which is described in further detail in the payment-related customer information section of the website.

5.    Register data content

The register contains the following types of data:

General information, such as
•    first and last names
•    contact information (postal addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses)
•    date of birth (day and month)
•    language
•    payment instruments and the necessary information related to them

Information related to customership or other relevant contexts, such as
•    user IDs and passwords to the electric services provided by the controller
•    measures related to the management and maintenance of customership
•    contact and communication related to customership, such as recordings of customer service phone calls, feedback, complaints, including information related to product warranties
•    information related to invoicing and collections
•    consent and restrictions regarding direct marketing and other necessary information related to the exercise of the data subject’s rights

Information related to the usage of and access to customership and services, such as
•    interests specified by the data subject
•    marketing measures targeting the data subject, their use, and the information provided in said context
•    product-specific purchase information regarding the data subject
•    information regarding the usage of and access to content and elements related to the services provided by Happy Angler, the website, communication or other relevant contexts
•    content produced by the data subject for the services (such as product reviews) and the related data
•    technical information sent by the browser of the data subject to the server of the controller (such as IP address, browser, browser version)
•    cookies sent to the browser of an identified data subject and the personal data related to them – information regarding the use of anonymous cookies is provided separately on the Happy Angler website.

Information regarding modifications to the data specified above.

6.    Standard sources of information

The data subject while providing and updating their personal data in the stores of the controller, in online services, in the context of marketing and other measures performed by the controller or in customer service interfaces.

Information regarding the data subject’s purchases, use of services, and behavior is collected from the point of sales systems of the controller and the electronic systems of the controller.

Personal data may also be collected and updated from the registers of the controller and companies belonging to the same group with it at any given time as well as from authorities and businesses that provide services related to personal data.

7.    Disclosure, transfer, and removal of data

Data may be disclosed within the limits of currently effective legislation, for example, for such marketing purposes by partners carefully selected by the controller that support the purpose of the register and to produce targeted and interesting content to the data subjects. Partners do not have the right to further disclose the data they have received.

Personal data is only stored for as long as it is justified within the context of processing purposes under the regulations. The personal data of online store customers who have not registered as Club members will be deleted after four years from the last transaction at the latest. The data for customers who have ended their Club membership will be deleted with consideration to warranty, complaint and other similar periods, however at the latest after four years from the last transaction. However, the controller may transfer data included in the customer register into their direct marketing registers maintained under article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU after the customership and relevant context has ceased to exist.
Personal data is primarily processed within the EU/EEA. Due to the technical implementation of the data processing, personal data is also transferred to third-party subcontractors of Happy Angler. Happy Angler ensures the necessary level of protection for personal data as required by the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU. Partners of Happy Angler who transfer personal data to the United States are certified under the Privacy Shield data protection scheme.

Security of the file

The databases related to the register are protected by firewalls, passwords, and other technical measures against external data breaches. The databases and backup copies thereof are stored in locked facilities.

Only identified employees of the controller and companies working on its behalf and account that comply with the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU have access to the data stored in the register using a personal access right issued by the controller.

9.   Rights of the data subject

Under the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU, the data subject has the right to verify the information stored in the register regarding them. Written and signed verification requests must be delivered to the person in charge of matters related to the register. The verification request may also be issued to the controller in person. The members of the Happy Angler Club have constant access to the general information regarding customership and their purchase history on their Club pages.

The data subject has the right to prohibit the processing and transfer of their data for direct marketing purposes by contacting the controller. The right of prohibition does not apply to customer communication related to the customership or advertising and communication regarding benefits included in the content of services that require registration or other explicit subscription.  

Under the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU, the data subject has the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data or the restriction of data processing, the right to request that their data is deleted when basis for processing does not exist, and the right to obtain the data regarding them they have provided based on contractual or consent-based processing in electronic format (transferability of data). Requests related to the rights of the data subject are issued by contacting the controller.

The data subject has the right to issue a complaint to the data protection agency if they consider that the processing of their personal data breaches the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU. If a request related to the enforcement of a data subject’s rights is manifestly unreasonable or without basis, it can be refused or a fee corresponding to the cost of its implementation may be charged.



By using the Happy Angler online store and its certain components, the customer commits to the following terms and conditions. While Happy Angler is being a trading name, the legal entity is Rusta Finland Oy, that belongs to the Swedish Rusta group.
1. General Provisions

These are the general terms of use (later referred to as "Terms") of the Happy Angler online store (later referred to as "Service"). The user of the Service (later referred to as "User") must read these Terms carefully before using the Service. These Terms apply to every action the User takes within the Service.

There may also be certain special terms (such as terms of contract relating to the online store or product reviews) that are applied to the use of certain features of the Service alongside the Terms listed here.

2. Rights and Limitations Regarding the Use of the Service

The User has the right to view and browse the Service and its content, including but not limited to text, product information, images, brands and logos (later referred to as "Content"). The User also has the right to use the services provided by the Service. The User may not edit or replicate the Content in any way or distribute, share, transfer, publicly display or otherwise publish the Content either in part or in full, in edited form or as is, with the exception of acceptable linking detailed in Section 6 of these Terms.

Happy Angler grants the User a limited right of use to the Service as detailed in these Terms. This right of use only covers personal use and the User may not use the Service or its Content for commercial purposes in any way. Happy Angler only grants the User the rights detailed in these Terms. All other rights to the Service and its Content are withheld.

The use of the Service is only allowed in accordance with applicable legislation and the Terms currently in effect. The use of the Service may be further guided by separate guidelines and conditions issued by the Service provider. The User may not interrupt or attempt to interrupt or otherwise disrupt or attempt to disrupt the Service in any way.

The User may not use the Service (i) for illegal purposes; (ii) for activity aimed to interrupt the Service, hinder other user's ability to use the Service, or otherwise disrupt the use of the Service (e.g., by injecting into the Service viruses, trojans, or other material capable of affecting the programming structure of the Service); (iii) to collect or save other users' personal data; (iv) to forge or otherwise edit the title or identifier information in order to conceal the origins of content relayed through the Service; (v) to portray himself/herself as a representative of Happy Angler or its group company or other such party; (vi) to give any type of false information.

The User may not send, edit or publish any content (including but not limited to texts, images, brands and logos) within the Service that (i) is against the law or good practices or otherwise unfit for publication, (ii) infringes the rights of a third party or (iii) advertises products or services without the right to do so.

The User may only send, edit or publish content within the Service to which he/she owns all the rights, including the right to relay the content to Happy Angler and allow Happy Angler to publish the content in question within the Service in its entirety or in part without any responsibilities or obligations to pay. The User agrees not to make any demands of Happy Angler based on the content sent, edited or published by the User within the Service.

The User relieves Happy Angler and all the companies belonging to the same concern at any one time and all their representatives, executives and employees of all responsibility regarding demands rising from the User's use of the Service or from content sent or relayed by the User within the Service. Happy Angler does not review the content sent or relayed by the User within the Service and takes no responsibility for it. Happy Angler reserves the right to remove at any time any content that the User has used or sent to the Service without prior notification.

Happy Angler has the right to limit the use of the Service or parts of it at any time and to prevent the User's access to the Service for a justifiable reason. Happy Angler may use the aforementioned rights without any prior warning or liability to compensate the User in any way. Additionally, Happy Angler reserves the right to appeal to all the legal rights made available to it by a breach of the limitations defined in these Terms.

3. Handling of Personal Information

Happy Angler handles all personal information in accordance with current Finnish personal data legislation and functions as the controller of personal data file. The personal information of customers is handled in ways described in the Description of File.

4. Cookies

Cookies may be sent to the User's browser. A cookie is a small text file that allows Happy Angler to collect data on how and when the Service is used. A cookie may store such information as when and and what pages the User browsed, what browser he/she used, and from where the User arrived at Happy Angler. Cookie information can also be used to produce customer-specific advertising.

The purpose of the use of cookies is to analyze and develop the Service to better serve the User. The data from cookies also helps in tracking visitor statistics and measuring the efficiency of various features of the Service.

The User has the option to disable cookies from his/her browser settings, but this can have adverse effects on the usability of the Service or even prevent its use altogether.

5. Immaterial Rights

The Service and the Content are owned by Happy Angler or its partners and they are protected by copyright law and international copyright agreements. All immaterial rights to the Service and its Content (such as copyrights, registered and unregistered trademarks, copyrights of design, domain names, patents, database rights and trade secrets) belong to Happy Angler or its partners. All rights reserved.

6. Linking to or within the Service

The User may add links to the Service onto his/her own website or websites. The links cannot contain any Happy Angler trademarks in picture form. The links must open in a separate browser window and not in the frame of the linking page. The look, placement or any other features of the links must not give the false impression that the linking website or the features, services or products related to the linking website are affiliated with or sponsored by Happy Angler.

Happy Angler reserves the right to unilaterally forbid any individual party from linking to its Service at any time without any obligations to explain the decision.

The Service may contain links to websites owned and operated by third parties. Happy Angler does not monitor or review the content of the third party websites it links to, nor is Happy Angler responsible for the content, accuracy, reliability or data security of the third party websites. If the Service contains a link to a third party website, it does not indicate that Happy Angler endorses or advertises the services provided on that website in any way, nor does it say anything else about the relationship between Happy Angler and the third party website in question. The third party websites linked to within the Service are not a part of the Service nor are they under Happy Angler's control in any way. The User understands and accepts that clicking a link to a third party website transfers the User out of the Service and that the User uses the third party website on his/her own responsibility. The User must carefully read the terms of use and other possible terms and conditions of the third party website before using the services provided on that website.

7. Liability Limitation

Happy Angler provides the Service and its Content "as is", without any guarantees. Happy Angler cannot guarantee the continuous, flawless and timely usability, functionality or recoverability of the Service. Nor does Happy Angler guarantee the inviolability of rights or the accuracy, reliability, mistakes, errors, inaccuracies or other faults of the information seen, provided or relayed in the Content or the Service.

Happy Angler gives no guarantees as to the protection of the Service. Happy Angler does not guarantee that the electronic messages sent through the Service are free of viruses or other harmful components. Happy Angler cannot guarantee the data security of information sent via the Service. Happy Angler is not responsible for any information sent or received by the User, nor is Happy Angler responsible for any information the User fails to send or receive.

Happy Angler is not responsible for any direct, indirect, immediate or consequential damages, damages based on liability, or damages from special risks (including damages from lost business, contracts, profits or data, and damages from interrupted business activity) that result from the use of the Service or its Content, the unsuccessful use of the Service or its Content, or from these Terms regardless of whether the damages are based on an agreement, rights violation, negligence or other basis, even if Happy Angler had been notified of the possibility of such damages beforehand.

8. Changes to the Terms

Happy Angler reserves the right to alter these Terms as it sees fit. Possible changes to the Terms take effect once the changes have been publicized on the Service, after which they are applied to the actions of the User within the Service.

Happy Angler reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the Service and its Content and to remove any parts or features of the Service at any time without prior warning.

9. Applicable Legislation

Finnish law is applied to these Terms, excluding the Finnish conflict-of-laws rules. In dispute situations concerning these Terms or their application the parties aim to solve the situation primarily through negotiation. If a dispute cannot be solved through negotiation, the dispute is taken to the Vantaa District Court in Finland. A consumer customer may also take the dispute to be solved in his/her local District Court or Consumer Dispute Board.

10. Service Operator

The Service is operated by:

Rusta Finland Oy (business ID: 0750 66-6)
Porttipuistontie 1

Terms of purchase

Welcome to the Happy Angler online store! Happy Angler is a trading name operated by our legal entity Rusta Finland Oy, that belongs to the Swedish Rusta group. These are the terms and conditions of the Happy Angler online store (later referred to as "Happy Angler") and they apply to all interactions between Happy Angler and the customer (later referred to as "Customer") on the website*. Only consumer customers over 18 years of age may shop at the Happy Angler.

1. Shopping at Happy Angler

The Customer may order products from Happy Angler either as a registered Happy Angler Club member (for more information about the Club, see here) or as an unregistered customer. If the Customer decides to place orders without joining the Happy Angler Club, the Customer must enter the required customer information separately for each order or the orders cannot be delivered. Placing an order requires a functional email address. The reason for this is that order confirmations are only delivered to the Customer via email. Happy Angler Club members may also view their order information on the Club pages.

The Customer commits to giving accurate personal information and is responsible for that information. In order for Happy Angler to be able to serve the Customer in the best possible way, the registered Customer must inform Happy Angler of any changes to his/her personal information without delay.

When the Customer joins the Happy Angler Club, he/she chooses a password. The Customer agrees to keep this password a secret and refrains from giving it to others. The Customer is responsible for all actions taken at Happy Angler using his/her personal login details. If the Customer detects or suspects that his/her login details have been exposed, misused, or stolen by a third party, the Customer is responsible for notifying Happy Angler immediately. Happy Angler reserves the right to freeze a Customer's account if it suspects that the login details are being abused.
The content in English is mostly a translation from the original in Finnish.

2. Handling of Personal Information

Happy Angler handles all personal information in accordance with current Finnish personal data legislation and functions as the controller of a personal data file. The Customer's personal information is handled in ways described in the Description of File.

3. Cookies

Cookies may be sent to the Customer's browser.
A cookie is a small text file that allows Happy Angler to collect data on how and when the online store is used. A cookie may store such information as when and and what pages the Customer browsed, what browser he/she used, and from where the Customer arrived at Happy Angler. The information received via cookies is by its nature anonymous, but it is also possible to link the cookie information to the Customer's personal information.

The purpose of the use of cookies is to analyse and develop Happy Angler to better serve the Customer. The data from cookies also helps in tracking visitor statistics and measuring the efficiency of various Happy Angler features. Cookie information can also be used to produce customer-specific advertising.

The Customer has the option to disable cookies from his/her browser settings, but this can have adverse effects on the usability of Happy Angler or even prevent its use altogether.

4. Placing Orders

In order to purchase a product or products, the Customer must first place the items in the shopping cart and then submit the order as instructed by Happy Angler. The Customer may make changes to his/her shopping cart at any time before the order is finalized and paid for.
 The Customer is urged to carefully review his/her order before finalizing it. After the order is placed, the Customer receives an order confirmation into the email address he/she has provided. An order becomes binding for the Customer once the order process is completed.

5. Prices

Items are invoiced at the prices in effect at the time the order is placed. Product prices are in effect either indefinitely or during a time period specified separately on the product information page. Product prices do not include shipping costs; shipping costs are stated separately during the order process and again in the order confirmation.
All prices on the Happy Angler online fishing store are shown without value-added tax (VAT). To view prices with your local VAT, you should first log in. Afterward, prices will change depending on the local VAT rate of your EU country. Applicable VAT is automatically generated in the cart based on the destination country.

Happy Angler reserves the right to alter product prices. Happy Angler aims to always keep the prices shown on the website as accurate and up-to-date as possible, but Happy Angler cannot give any guarantees as to the accuracy of the prices. Happy Angler is not bound by an erroneous price shown on the website if the difference between the erroneous price and the actual price is significant, or if the erroneous price is exceptionally low compared to general market levels, or if the error is otherwise so obvious that the Customer should understand it to be a mistake.

6. Product Availability

Happy Angler sells a wide range of products with varying batch sizes and availability. Happy Angler cannot guarantee the availability of products sold at the online store. Some of the products at Happy Angler are so-called seasonal products or otherwise only available in limited quantities. Products that are usually always available may also be temporarily sold out due to production irregularities, for example. Happy Angler aims to keep the availability information on the website as correct and up-to-date as possible.

If an ordered product shown as available at Happy Angler is in fact temporarily unavailable, and the actual delivery time is longer than the original estimated delivery time, Happy Angler aims to notify the Customer of the delay immediately after the problem is discovered. This notification is sent to the email address specified by the Customer. If the additional delay created by erroneous availability information is longer than 30 days, the matter is handled as if the product is completely unavailable (see the relevant conditions below), unless the Customer wishes otherwise.
If the Customer orders a product that is listed as currently unavailable at Happy Angler and there is an estimated date when the product will become available again, the Customer is seen to agree to a shipping schedule that begins from the estimated availability date.

Happy Angler also sells products by order. These by-order products are not in stock and only ordered in after the Customer has placed an order. If the Customer orders such a product, the Customer is seen to agree to the product's estimated shipping time, even if it is longer than that of normal in-stock items.

If a product the Customer has ordered has become completely unavailable, the Hapy Angler reserves the right to deliver the Customer a substitute product that is equal in purpose and equal or better in quality to the ordered product. The price of the substitute product may not exceed the price of the original item, unless the Customer agrees to a higher price. If a substitute product is not available, the transaction is considered canceled as far as the product in question is concerned. In such cases, possible consumer credit granted for the purchase of the product is also canceled. If the Customer has already paid for a product that is completely unavailable and no substitute can be found, Happy Angler will reimburse the Customer to the price the Customer has paid for the product. The money will be returned using the banking details provided by the Customer.

7. Order Confirmation

After an order is placed and the transaction is completed successfully the Customer will receive a confirmation of the order into his/her email address. This order confirmation contains all the important information about the order. A copy of the order confirmation is also attached to the delivery. The Customer must make sure that the information in the order confirmation is correct. If the Customer is a registered Happy Angler Club member, he/she may also review his/her orders and order history by logging in to the member section of the website. Happy Angler reserves the right to reject orders for justifiable reasons.

8. Payment

Shopping and paying at Happy Angler is perfectly safe. All personal and payment information is processed using an encrypted SSL connection. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it is used to protect online data communication. All payment details (credit card information, ebanking details, bank transfers, etc.) are always processed using 100 % secure and encrypted connections. The Happy Angler does not store the customer's identity number, debit or credit card number or any such payment information anywhere. The transactions are handled by the payment system of our partner company Adyen. Adyen is a global company specializing in payment systems and other international finance and banking systems and services. For more information about Adyen visit their home page at

9. Shipping

Shipping Methods and Costs

* All Happy Angler orders are delivered by either Posti (Finnish Post) or UPS.
* The shipping method is either home delivery or delivery to the post office / local pick-up point closest to the shipping address entered into customer information, depending on the country in question.
* Pick-up points vary by country. A pick-up point can be situated in a post office, a store, a kiosk, etc.
* Order tracking: the customer may track his/her orders via the appropriate tracking codes or by logging into Happy Angler and accessing My Account.
* Depending on the situation, the customer receives either a text message or an email when the order has arrived at the pick-up point. In the case of home deliveries the customer is contacted prior to the delivery so that a suitable delivery time can be agreed upon.
* Orders are either delivered to the pick-up points closest to the delivery address or they are automatically delivered as home deliveries. You can find the specific delivery method for a certain country here.

Shipping Costs
Shipping costs vary from country to country for logistical reasons. You can find the specific delivery cost for a certain country here.


Delivery to a Secondary Address
You may also have your order delivered to an address that is not your home address (i.e., your place of work), or you may have your order delivered to a completely different recipient. Delivery to a secondary address or recipient is selected in stage 2/5 of the purchase process (Shipping information).

Shipment Insurance
Happy Angler has insured all outgoing packages. If you notice that your package has been damaged even before opening it, notify the pick-up point where you got the package. If you already opened the package before noticing the damage, contact our customer service:

Order Restrictions
• Shipping restrictions
The Happy Angler delivers orders to all EU countries, excluding Sweden and Finland. Deliveries are also available to lots of non-EU countries. You can find the full list of the countries and delivery costs here

• Customers under 15 years of age
If an order is placed by a person under 15 years of age, that person's guardian is responsible for the order.
• P.O. Box addresses
Happy Angler does not deliver orders to P.O. box addresses.

• Maximum package dimensions
The maximum dimensions of a package depend on the destination country.
Due to ARTICLE 12g OF COUNCIL REGULATION 833/2014 “NO RE-EXPORT TO RUSSIA" CLAUSE, customer/buyer shall not sell, export or re-export, directly or indirectly, to the Russian Federation or for use in the Russian Federation any goods supplied under or in connection with this Agreement that fall under the scope of Article 12g of Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014.
Due to EU 765/2006 8g artikla 1, customer/buyer shall not sell, export or re-export, directly or indirectly, to the Belarus or for use in the Belarus any goods supplied under or in connection with this Agreement that fall under the scope of EU 765/2006 8g artikla 1.

10. Right to Cancel

The Customer has the right to cancel a transaction within 14 days after receiving the product. The Customer must return the product in question to Happy Angler and attach a filled-out return form to the return package (a blank return form is sent with every order). .

The right to cancel requires that the product does not show any signs of use, is still in its original packaging, and can be re-sold. Under normal circumstances Happy Angler pays the postage fees resulting from cancellations. If the product cannot be returned normally by mail, the Customer is responsible for any costs resulting from the return.

Happy Angler reimburses the Customer to the full value of the product. The payment is made using the bank details provided by the Customer in the return form. If consumer credit was granted for the purchase of the canceled product, the credit is also canceled regarding that product. In these cases the creditor reimburses all the realized credit costs to the Customer's account.

11. Product Inspection and Reclamations

Immediately upon receiving an order the Customer must check that the package contains all the items it should and that all the products are in pristine condition. If the Customer notices a mistake in the order or a flaw in a product, the Customer must notify Happy Angler customer service of the problem as soon as possible, within 14 days of receiving the order at the latest (email:

12. Warranty

Some products sold at Happy Angler have a warranty provided by the manufacturers. Happy Angler is not responsible for any warranties provided by manufactures or other third parties. All warranty-related matters are the responsibility of the warranty provider and the Customer must turn directly to the warranty provider in all warranty-related matters.

13. Force Majeure

Happy Angler is not responsible for any shipment delays, broken products, or other breaches of contract that occur for reasons beyond Happy Angler's control (force majeure). In a force majeure situation Happy Angler first contacts the Customer to ask if he/she still wishes to hold on to the contract. If yes, then Happy Angler will fulfil its responsibilities insofar as is possible given the situation in question.

14. Applicable Legislation and Disputes

Finnish law is applied to these Terms and Conditions, excluding the Finnish conflict-of-laws rules. In dispute situations concerning these Terms and Conditions or their application the parties aim to solve the situation primarily through negotiation.

If a dispute cannot be solved through negotiation, the dispute is taken to the Vantaa District Court in Finland. The Customer may also take the dispute to be solved in his/her local District Court or Consumer Dispute Board.

15. Customer Service

The Customer is urged to contact Happy Angler customer service with any problems. Email:

16. Online Store Operator

The Happy Angler online store is operated by:

Rusta Finland Oy (Business ID: 0750 66-6)
Porttipuistontie 1
Terms of Use - index
Technology, Security and Data Protection
Terms of purchase

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