Tips for Live-Scanning and Precision Fishing
Used correctly, the increasingly popular live-scanning sonars are a highly effective tool for targeting record catches. I will now share my observations of my first precision strike with a live-scanning sonar while fishing for zander on sea. I was joined on the trip by Klasu who runs our Swedish customer service and is far-more experienced with live-scanning sonars.
First, Klasu showed me how to use the sonar and explained the process of scanning for fish around our fishing spot.
“Trawl through the fishing area using an outboard or bow-mounted motor, checking the screen for signs of fish. In addition to a live-scanning sonar, we also use DSI and 2D scanners. The transducer can also be rotated while searching for fish. You can also use a side-scan sonar.” – Klasu
“I was immediately hooked. Searching for fish and watching them swim around within a small area using a live-scanning sonar was like a videogame. The screen filled with glowing orbs, and the larger the orb, the more you wanted to catch in the right angle, resulting in a glorious fish shape on screen. One-meter-long fish were left alone, and now my record zander stands at 89 cm, 6.68 kg.
Read more about our trip on my blog.” – Juha
Some Tips and Things to Note for Live-Scanning
- Fish responsibly; when the water is too warm, leave any larger fish you notice in peace and focus on catching food fish. If you intend to release your catches, do not fish too deep.
- Suitable screen sizes start from 9”, and the live view should fill the entire screen for ease of interpretation.
- A grid pattern on the screen will help you estimate the size of the target fish.
- A turning transducer mount will make it easier to locate and follow the fish.
- Position your boat on top of the fish when vertical fishing or further away for precision casting.
- Use a short stinger, as this will make it easier to release the fish without affecting the jig's action. A single treble hook is enough.
- Choose the weight of your jig head based on the conditions and location. Use a larger size for flowing water and smaller for calm conditions. This will allow you to drop and move the jig more easily.
- If the fish are picky, you can also try a smaller size of jig. Klasu's favorite size for larger fish is 8” and jigs between 5.5 and 10 inches.
- Approach the fish from the front, keeping the jig slightly above the assumed swimming line of the fish.
- When the fish turns upward, get ready to strike. If the fish doesn't attack immediately, slowly bring the jig higher.
- Set your drag on full and strike back hard.
- Enjoy the bite, as the short line and vertical rod will let you feel it in your toes.
Precision fishing with live-scanning sonars is here to stay and will surely transform the way boat electronics are used in fishing.So, remember moderation and responsibility even in the midst of live-scanning excitement.
See our live-scanning transducer range here.
Tight lines and precise casts and drops!
Text and photographs: Juha Salonen, fishing blogger
The “ITÄ-TOUR” series shows Urpoerämies Productions traveling around Eastern Finland, fishing in unfamiliar lakes. A new unknown target lake each day without advance information! Exciting and educational! See how the team did and what they caught.