How to Start Fishing with Your Child
Do you remember when your dad, mom, grandpa, uncle, brother, or another close person took you fishing for the first time as a child? I remember it. It's been almost 30 years since that day. Over the years, I've learned a lot about nature through my fishing hobby.
Now I get to watch my eldest take their first steps on fishing trips. I want to share my experiences and hope that many other parents take those brave first steps into the wonderful world of fishing. Fishing is much more than just catching big fish. When fishing with a child, it's amazing to learn together from an early age how wonderful it is to enjoy nature while fishing. Fishing with a child gives a lot if you keep a few things in mind.
- Be prepared with good equipment and spare parts.
- Choose a fishing spot where you can get a catch.
- Bring plenty of good spirits and enough snacks.
For a young child, ladybugs, ants, and everything else found on the shore can easily steal attention from the actual fishing. Therefore, fishing can sometimes take a back seat on a fishing trip. A child's enthusiasm for fishing grows with successful experiences. The first catch that tugs the float and lands in their hand is a memorable one. The first catch together, and eventually, the young fisher wants to release the fish back into the water saying, "bye-bye fish."
Equipment for the First Fishing Trip
A rod is an excellent choice for starting the hobby. For the fishing set, we recommend a slightly more sensitive set with a smaller hook. The more sensitive the float, the less the fish feels resistance when biting, making it easier to catch. Once the child can handle the rod properly and it's no longer swinging like a reed in the wind, it's worth getting a carbon fiber rod. Carbon fiber rods are light, and even with a longer rod, the child can fish without tiring. The hobby can also be supported at home by reading books and playing fishing-themed games.
Where to Fish?
For a fishing spot, it's best to choose an easily accessible shore without major dangers. Children tend to act before thinking about possible consequences. Therefore, high, rocky, and wooded shores are bad options. There should be at least the length of the rod plus the line's length of free space behind the fishing spot. This way, the fishing gear swinging freely in the air won't get caught in the nearest tree.
The beginning of May is an excellent time to start fishing. Small rivers that flow into the sea and lakes are teeming with spawning roach, and these attract larger predators coming to feast on them. In the first stage, it is important that the child learns to handle the rod correctly. It doesn't matter if the rod is on the ground or in the air, as long as the float, weight, and hook are in the water. I've noticed that for a 4-year-old, this starts to work reasonably well, and a short time of fishing can be managed independently. At a good fishing spot, a three-meter rod is sufficient. The most important thing is to teach the child to handle the rod and calm the situation from other commotions.
What to Put on the Hook?
Traditionally, a fishing trip starts with digging in the compost. During the driest times, earthworms are deep in the ground and hard to reach. No worries, the stores have jars of earthworms. If there's no store nearby, you can put corn or dough on the hook.
"My fishing hobby also started with angling. I remember in the morning attaching an old bamboo rod to the bicycle and heading to the Vantaa River with my dad. A young boy's mind was filled with the beautiful moments as the morning mist slowly rose and disappeared with the sunrise. Sometimes we caught fish, sometimes not. The most important thing was the experience and enjoyment itself, thanks, Dad."
Happy Angler fishing store wants to challenge parents to try different forms of fishing and go out with their families.
The best place is out fishing!
Text: Juha Salonen, fishing blogger