Boat Maintenance in the Autumn
- Remove any non-fixed equipment from the boat (padding, tackle boxes, rods, screens, extinguishers, lifejackets, etc.), including any items that should not be exposed to freezing temperatures or are susceptible to mold.
- You should empty out portable fuel tanks, as fuel may expire over winter. As fixed fuel tanks are more difficult to empty, you can fill the tank to prevent moisture from condensing inside during winter. You should also add fuel stabilizer that acts as a preservative during storage.
- Washing the boat: Clean the exterior surfaces of the boat and the canopy/tarp, where applicable, using a cleaning agent designed for boats, a soft brush, and a pressure washer.
- Any algae and dirt will come off more easily when the hull is wet, so you should wash the boat as soon as it is launched (boat kept in a dock).
- Wash the interior with a brush and mold remover. An old dish brush or toothbrush will allow you to easily reach smaller gaps. You can also purchase a brush set for a cordless drill that allows you to remove stubborn dirt gently and effectively. Pay particular attention to any seams, the motor well, and convex structures where water can accumulate and produce algae.
- Motor maintenance in the autumn (annual maintenance) *If your motor is still under warranty, you should take it to a licensed repair shop to ensure that the warranty remains valid!
- Drain the oil (motor oil, transmission oil) into a plastic container, check the oil plugs for any magnetic iron filings or sediment, and ensure that the oil does not contain water – if there is water mixed in with the oil, your motor is probably going to need more substantial servicing!
- Replace the oil plug gaskets with new ones.
- As the oil is draining, remove the old oil filter – use a rag, as some oil will inevitably come out with the filter.
- Replace the fuel filter with a new one where necessary.
- Check the condition of the spark plugs, replacing them where necessary.
- Check that the rotor blades are undamaged. Clean and lubricate any threads and screws.
- Secure the oil plugs as soon as the oil has been drained – this is easy to forget if you leave it for later.
- Add new oil into the motor and transmission – always use oil that meets the manufacturer’s recommendations.
- Once you have replaced the oil, check the motor’s water supply (using a power washer, for example) and run the motor until it is warm with the new oil and alkylate gasoline or gas treated with fuel stabilizer. This will ensure that the motor starts up without issue in the spring.
- Apply corrosion inhibitor to any electrical connectors (for example WD-40).
- Disconnect the batteries (utilize maintenance charging over winter or charge the battery until it is full a couple of times) – a battery tester will come in handy.
- Check ropes, brackets , and transducers (loosen the transducer screws; brackets can shift as the temperature changes)
- Make sure that no water or moisture is trapped anywhere. Leave all boxes, lids, and hatches open to ensure airflow and prevent mold.
- Also remember trailer maintenance!
- Lubricate and check the trailer rollers and replace them where necessary
- Check the lights, electrics, and plug
- Check the condition of the tires and wheel bearings
- Check the winch rope
- Wash the lines, and clean and lubricate the ratchets, replacing items where necessary.
- See here for more tips for trailer maintenance.
- Over the winter, make sure that snow or ice cannot build up on top of your boat if it is stored outside.
- Remember to dispose of any oil, filters, and damaged batteries appropriately.
- Keep a record of maintenance and the running hours of your motor using a service manual or another document!
Before the next season begins:
- Have your fire extinguisher checked by a licensed extinguisher servicer
- Check the condition and expiration date of your automatic lifejackets
- Download and install any updates to electronic devices
Text: Henna Lindroos and Ila Korkonen, Friends Of Happy Angler
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