Trap markers and net buoys
Happy Angler online store has traps and trap markers. You should mark your traps carefully to avoid causing hazardous situations to other fishers and boaters. Here are some tips for proper marking: In areas used for water traffic, traps must be marked with a flag that extends at least 1.2 meters above the surface of the water. The size of the flag has also been specified: 20 x 20 cm. Surface traps, which are traps placed at a depth of less than 1.5 meters, require two flags on one pole. If a surface trap has not been marked properly, it may get caught on an outboard motor or fishing lure. If a trap does not hinder water traffic, it can be marked with a float that is visible at least 15 cm above the surface of the water or a flag with a 40-cm pole. A crayfish trap can be marked with a float that extends 5 cm above the surface of the water. Do not use floating lines on traps. Under the Government Decree on fishing, only sinking or weighted lines can be used for marking traps. Always remember to include your contact information on the trap marker.
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